

La scultura in Arcadia

di Sara Piselli

Antico/Moderno: lo stile arcadico nella cerchia ottoboniana

Nell’ambito del tema di ricerca “Antico-Moderno” proposto dalla Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, La scultura in Arcadia risponde alla necessità di affrontare lo studio delle scelte mecenatistiche, collezionistiche nell’ambito della produzione scultorea romana al passaggio tra Sei e Settecento, indagando il caso esemplare del cardinale Pietro Ottoboni e degli artisti coinvolti nel suo cenacolo culturale. I molti studi dedicati al cardinale d’origine veneziana che si sono succeduti negli anni e hanno permesso di mettere a fuoco l’importanza della sua personalità nel panorama culturale romano, se si esclude il testo dedicato da Edward Olszewski nel 2004 al monumento funebre di Alessandro VIII in San Pietro, hanno lasciato a margine l’approfondimento sulla presenza della scultura nell’ambito delle collezioni e del mecenatismo dell’Ottoboni. La presente ricerca, a partire dai fondamentali studi avviati dalla pubblicazione di Patrons and Painters di Francis Haskell nel 1963 sino a quelli recentissimi affrontati da Edward Olszewski, mira a delineare le scelte operate dal veneziano ricostruendo gli orientamenti di gusto per la scultura, espresso tramite le scelte collezionistiche e le committenze, il favore accordato agli artisti e all’autorità dei modelli antichi e moderni, avendo come orizzonte di riferimento il contesto culturale dell’Arcadia romana.
Punto di partenza è lo studio delle opere finora note nella collezione, accanto all'ampliamento e alla revisione critica degli studi sul contesto artistico e culturale di Roma nei primi anni del Settecento e l'avvio di una revisione di parte della grande quantità di documenti relativi a Ottoboni conservati negli archivi romani. Le scelte del cardinale, emerse dall'esame delle carte, sono state confrontate con quelle di altri collezionisti nel contesto romano, approfondendo le somiglianze e le differenze del ruolo della scultura nelle collezioni, nel gusto e nel rapporto con le arti sorelle.
Un'altra parte della ricerca è rivolta allo studio delle fonti letterarie arcadiche dedicate alle arti, con particolare attenzione alle composizioni poetiche presenti nei manoscritti conservati presso la Biblioteca Angelica di Roma e ai volumetti stampati in occasione delle premiazioni dei Concorsi Clementini, analizzando le composizioni poetiche inerenti gli oggetti d'arte, al fine d’illustrare la prospettiva dei pastori Arcadi nei confronti delle arti.
Se la carriera Ottoboni come committente di scultura si apre con la scelta dell’autorevole figura di Domenico Guidi, è principalmente nella personalità artistica di Angelo De Rossi che si riflette il gusto del cardinale. Lo scultore, allievo di Filippo Parodi, perfezionatosi a Roma applicandosi allo studio di antichità e di opere moderne e frequentando le accademie del disegno, raggiunge una tale abilità che Nicola Pio disse di lui che «Ha disegnato una meraviglia più da pittore che da scultore ed era un primario di Roma e dell'Italia». L'artista genovese si distingue specialmente nel condurre il mezzorilievo in modo magistrale, attraverso una sensibilità pittorica che lo rende un punto di riferimento nel contesto romano e internazionale. La sua capacità nel modellare, esemplificata nelle sue opere realizzate tanto per il Cardinale come per altre destinazioni, mostra grande delicatezza nell'uso dello scalpello, unito ad una raffinata sensibilità nell'interpretare la resa della naturalezza, temperata nel pathos che ben calzano a quel concetto di gusto arcadico, che lo unisce ad un altro artista della corte Ottoboni, Francesco Trevisani. Ciò che emerge a questo proposito è l'immagine coerente delle scelte operate da Ottoboni come protettore delle arti, soprattutto nel periodo tra la fine del XVII e la fine del pontificato di Clemente XI, durante il quale le attività dei due artisti giungono a definire il carattere del gusto del cardinale veneziano, la cui unitarietà finisce con la morte precoce dello scultore genovese.

Dall’analisi del contesto mecenatistico ottoboniano è emersa la necessità di sottolineare la presenza della scultura e l’apporto degli artisti che ad essa si dedicavano, che, sebbene numericamente inferiore in termini di presenze rispetto alla pittura nell’ambito delle collezioni, si rivelano essere fattori importanti nella configurazione delle scelte artistiche e culturali del mondo romano settecentesco.



Written in response to Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura 2014 Research Call, asking for contributions addressing the theme of “Ancient-Modern,” Sculpture in Arcadia tackles issues of patronage and collecting choices in the field of sculptural production in Rome at the turn of the eighteenth century. In particular, Sculpture in Arcadia looks at the exemplary case study represented by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni and the artists of his cultural circle. Previous studies on Cardinal Ottoboni have been important in recognizing the Cardinal – Venetian in origins – as a highly influencial figure on contemporary cultural and artistic debates in Rome. Nevertheless, except for Edward Olszewski’s book on Alexander VIII’s funerary monument in St Peter, the copious studies on this exceptional figure of patron only marginally touched upon his sculptural acquisitions.

This research investigates Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices in terms of commissions and collection of sculpture in light of the discussions on this subject opened by Francis Haskell in his pivotal Patron and Painters (1963), and then by Edward Olszewski in more recent publications. Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices are assessed against the contemporary taste for sculpture, which here is reconstructed by con-sidering other contemporary patrons’ collecting choices and commissions, the success granted in this period to artists working in this medium and the authority enjoyed by ancient and modern sculptural precedents, within the larger frame of Arcadian culture in Rome.

The methodology employed for this study consisted firstly in an examination of those works known to be part of the Cardinal’s collection, together with a broadening and a critical review of previous studies which had focused on the artistic and cultural context of Rome at the turn of the eighteenth century. Also, this research reconsidered a large part of the documents referring to the Cardinal which are preserved in Roman archives. The Cardinal’s choices, as they emerge from these documents, have been compared with those of other contemporary Roman collectors, evidencing differences and similarities by comparison with in the role fulfilled by sculpture within other contemporary collections, with contemporary taste, and in relationship with the sister arts of painting and architecture in this period.

In addition, this research examines Arcadian literary sources which refer to the visual arts, with a specific focus on poems found in manuscripts collected at the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome, and on the volumes printed for award ceremonies in the occasion of Concorsi Clementini. Analysing how the Arcadians referred to art objects in these poems allows to understand their ideas on larger artistic matters.

Cardinal Ottoboni’s career as patron of sculpture begins with commissions to the authoritative artist Domenico Guidi. Nevertheless his sculptural taste soon identifies particularly with the production of the Genoese sculptor Angelo De Rossi, pupil of Filippo Parodi. Angelo De Rossi improved his tech-nique in Rome through the study of ancient and modern works and through attendance to drawing academies. He had achieved such a facility with the latter that Nicola Pio said of him “he made excel-lent drawings, more in the style of a painter than in that of a sculptor, and he has been one of the major artists in Rome and in Italy”.

The Genoese artist stood out particularly among his fellows for his masterful mezzorilievo, which he finished with such a sensibility that his works became well known in the Roman and international context.

His ability in modeling, exemplified by works realized both for the Cardinal and for other patrons, shows great delicacy in the use of the chisel, combined with a refined sensibility in rendering natural-ness, mitigated by pathos. All these features of his sculptural production embodied perfectly the Arcadian taste, which was also exemplified by another artist from the Ottoboni’s circle, Francesco Trevisani. Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices as patron of sculpture can be recognized as particularly consistent in the period between the end of the seventeenth century and the end of Clemente XI’s pontificate. During these years the production of these two artists helped him to shape a entirely original character for his sculptural taste. This period ended with the early death of the Genoese artist.

By investigating Cardinal Ottoboni’s exemplary case study as patron of sculptural productions, this research opens up new perspectives for further studies on this period of art history. Although sculptures were numerically inferior than paintings in contemporary collections, this study shows that sculptures and artists working in this field had an important role in defining cultural and artistic choices in eighteenth century Rome.



Written in response to Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura 2014 Research Call, asking for contributions addressing the theme of “Ancient-Modern,” Sculpture in Arcadia tackles issues of patronage and collecting choices in the field of sculptural production in Rome at the turn of the eighteenth century. In particular, Sculpture in Arcadia looks at the exemplary case study represented by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni and the artists of his cultural circle. Previous studies on Cardinal Ottoboni have been important in recognizing the Cardinal – Venetian in origins – as a highly influencial figure on contemporary cultural and artistic debates in Rome. Nevertheless, except for Edward Olszewski’s book on Alexander VIII’s funerary monument in St Peter, the copious studies on this exceptional figure of patron only marginally touched upon his sculptural acquisitions.

This research investigates Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices in terms of commissions and collection of sculpture in light of the discussions on this subject opened by Francis Haskell in his pivotal Patron and Painters (1963), and then by Edward Olszewski in more recent publications. Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices are assessed against the contemporary taste for sculpture, which here is reconstructed by considering other contemporary patrons’ collecting choices and commissions, the success granted in this period to artists working in this medium and the authority enjoyed by ancient and modern sculptural precedents, within the larger frame of Arcadian culture in Rome.

The methodology employed for this study consisted firstly in an examination of those works known to be part of the Cardinal’s collection, together with a broadening and a critical review of previous studies which had focused on the artistic and cultural context of Rome at the turn of the eighteenth century. Also, this research reconsidered a large part of the documents referring to the Cardinal which are preserved in Roman archives. The Cardinal’s choices, as they emerge from these documents, have been compared with those of other contemporary Roman collectors, evidencing differences and similarities by comparison with in the role fulfilled by sculpture within other contemporary collections, with contemporary taste, and in relationship with the sister arts of painting and architecture in this period.

In addition, this research examines Arcadian literary sources which refer to the visual arts, with a specific focus on poems found in manuscripts collected at the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome, and on the volumes printed for award ceremonies in the occasion of Concorsi Clementini. Analysing how the Arcadians referred to art objects in these poems allows to understand their ideas on larger artistic matters.

Cardinal Ottoboni’s career as patron of sculpture begins with commissions to the authoritative artist Domenico Guidi. Nevertheless his sculptural taste soon identifies particularly with the production of the Genoese sculptor Angelo De Rossi, pupil of Filippo Parodi. Angelo De Rossi improved his technique in Rome through the study of ancient and modern works and through attendance to drawing academies. He had achieved such a facility with the latter that Nicola Pio said of him “he made excellent drawings, more in the style of a painter than in that of a sculptor, and he has been one of the major artists in Rome and in Italy”.

The Genoese artist stood out particularly among his fellows for his masterful mezzorilievo, which he finished with such a sensibility that his works became well known in the Roman and international context.

His ability in modeling, exemplified by works realized both for the Cardinal and for other patrons, shows great delicacy in the use of the chisel, combined with a refined sensibility in rendering naturalness, mitigated by pathos. All these features of his sculptural production embodied perfectly the Arcadian taste, which was also exemplified by another artist from the Ottoboni’s circle, Francesco Trevisani. Cardinal Ottoboni’s choices as patron of sculpture can be recognized as particularly consistent in the period between the end of the seventeenth century and the end of Clemente XI’s pontificate. During these years the production of these two artists helped him to shape a entirely original character for his sculptural taste. This period ended with the early death of the Genoese artist.

By investigating Cardinal Ottoboni’s exemplary case study as patron of sculptural productions, this research opens up new perspectives for further studies on this period of art history. Although sculptures were numerically inferior than paintings in contemporary collections, this study shows that sculptures and artists working in this field had an important role in defining cultural and artistic choices in eighteenth century Rome.